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Tips on How to Be More Productive at Work

How to be more productive at work? This is one of the most common questions in the era of distractions and of looking at the smartphone every 5 minutes. Do you want to escape the addictive cycle of procrastination? Perfect! Because here we are going to give you our 8 secrets on how to be more productive at work.

Learn to prioritize

When everything is a priority the reality is that then nothing is a priority and when nothing is a priority it is impossible to know where to start. Prioritizing is one of the rules that you must apply firmly if you are interested in knowing how to be more productive at work.

Many times we tend to confuse important with urgent; A good method to measure which are the tasks that require immediate attention is to think about the consequences that not fulfilling them in a specific period of time can bring or also to look at which are your closest pending to expire by previously established deadlines and get down to it. work with these.

Another way to familiarize yourself with the prioritization technique is to follow the “80/20 rule”: before starting work, define what that 20% of your tasks is, which by completing them will contribute something positive to 80% of your results. For example: imagine that you have something pending that needs to be done so that later the rest of the team can continue with the rest of the parts of the project, prioritize that task to avoid “bottlenecks” that impede a good workflow.

Use the Pomodoro technique or similar versions

If you have trouble focusing on a task and you always know how to find a new distraction, the Pomodoro technique can save you at work if you are interested in knowing how to be more productive at work.

To discover the benefits that the Pomodoro technique brings to be more productive you only need to follow some steps. Alternatively, you can find more techniques from the best casino online.

– Activate your timer and set it to go off at 25 minutes.
– Commit to using those 25 minutes to focus on being more productive at work and developing it to the best of your ability.
– Once the 25 minutes are up, give yourself 5 minutes of rest. You can take advantage of it to rest, hydrate, stretch or simply do any short activity that previously would have counted as a distraction that cuts the flow of being more productive at work.
– Have you been very good at keeping up with the rhythm? Here comes a better reward, if you complete four cycles in a row completing the previous steps, set a longer rest time, such as between 15-20 minutes.

For some people, the workspaces provided by the Pomodoro technique fall short with only 25 minutes, if you want, you can apply this same scheme, but playing with time, extending it up to 30 minutes or even an hour, depending on your ability to focus.

Don’t forget to be realistic and commit yourself to the productive work cycle.

Use the lists

Lists are your friends when it comes to being more productive at work, however, there are many types of lists, and the best of all is to understand from now how they work and which ones are the most suitable for you. Here are three types that we love and then you choose your favorite, ok?

General lists

As the name implies, they are lists that encompass your general pending, in priority or not, that will help you review each one, learn about each phase of the project and begin to define the ones you plan to prioritize.

Minimalist lists

They are very shortlisted, ideal if you already have your priorities well defined. They focus only on a maximum of two or three base tasks with which you cannot move on to another task or close the day if they are still pending.

Visual lists

The best way to define them is by saying that they are inspired by the agile Kanban methodology. They are basically three lists divided into a board that includes:

-The general to-do list.
-The list of tasks that are being carried out at the moment.
-The list of tasks you have already completed.

These types of lists are very indicative since you only have to look at them to immediately be aware of the status of the project and if there is any “traffic jam” affecting the workflow.

Define small rewards

Remember what we said at the beginning about the small rewards in the form of short breaks that we give ourselves when completing focus cycles with the Pomodoro technique? Well, this is something like that, but in this case, you define the small prize you want to give yourself.

The best thing is that it is at the end of the day, after completing all the tasks that you set for yourself for that particular day, in this way, you celebrate that you are finally connecting with the brand new casino sites.

Discover how your motivation works

Enthusiasm and motivation are fleeting, whatever they say, the brain needs dynamism so as not to get bored in the same task and that is the real reason why maintaining focus and motivation may not be so easy if we talk about periods where you have to work on a long project.

Knowing your motivation is key to discovering how to be more productive at work, what are your hours of greatest focus? For some people, starting the morning doing the most important task of the day is the easiest way to tackle their to-dos, for others, interruption-free nights are the ideal way to start ticking off tasks from the list.

A big part of knowing how to master your motivation is understanding that even in those moments where it seems to be fading, you must make an effort to continue with the project until the end. That is one of the keys that answers how to be more productive at work.

Always set deadlines

Deadlines guide you when you set a goal to learn how to be more productive at work.
Thanks to the deadlines, you will be able to prioritize better and be aware of what you must attend to at all times, and they also provide a certain sense of closure that will allow you to be more organized.

Define a particular time/space of the day to check email and notifications

If we talk about the most common distractions that affect the process of how to be more productive at work, anyone is going to mention, without a doubt, the emails and the heap of notifications to which we are exposed.

The best way to manage this is to reserve a specific space of the day to focus on attending them instead of responding in real-time if it is not strictly necessary. Synchronous communication and instant messaging systems can be very useful, but sometimes they end up affecting the productive flow at work. Asynchronous communication worked in special spaces, can help you more if you are interested in being more productive.

Establish a routine and stick with it

If you are interested in knowing how to be more productive at work, you have to apply this advice from now on. Build your own routine, tailored to your own needs and trying to cover spaces to fulfill everything we mentioned above.

Little by little your brain will get used to fulfilling more efficient and productive work cycles in each of its phases.

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